Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How to Destroy Earth

So, just surfing the web again and came across a recent Yahoo! article (the old link crapped out, so here's another link to an equivalent one) about how Africa and Arabia is drifting apart not merely by gradual small increments, but also by episodic tectonic rifts.... I'll forgo the details here.

Anyway, near the bottom of the page is a link to a page called Top Ten Ways to Destroy Earth. I was sufficiently intrigued and started reading. It was actually very funny! So, anyone who is interested in ways to annihilating mankind, wiping out the planet and all life on it, or just bored, check it out!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ahoy Maties!

So, finally summer is here! Fortunately, this Cleveland summer hasn't been too bad. And so we had another nice weekend this past week when we went out to check out the Cleveland Harborfest. It's an annual event where some of the tall ships around this part of the country get together and show off their colors to all the land-lubbers!

What's cool about an event like this is that you get to experience what was once part of history. We were able to get onto a couple of the tall ships (even though the lines were longer than Disneyland during Spring Break!) and check out all the ship shape doodads!

One of the boats we explored was a replica of a boat built during the War of 1812, the US Brig Niagara. It was involved in the defeat of the British Navy during the Battle of Lake Erie and helped turn back the dreaded Red Coats!

Anyway, MM was nice enough to accompany me to see all the pretty boats and we were able to enjoy some festive snacks...nachos and kettle corn to be exact!
People watching is always fun too. Maybe next year, we can go and actually sail out in the boats!