Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Home Sweet Home!

Well, MM and I, after more than a week of waiting and after some unanticipated delays, finally are resting in our own home, on our own couch, watching our very own Tivo! Yes, all of our furniture arrived, and now we can sleep comfortably in our own Temper-pedic bed! No, I'm not getting paid to do a plug for the bed, I just really enjoy sleeping in a comfortable bed. Although there are still some little things here and there around the house that must be taken care of, but the fact that we have some semblance of home makes it that much better. And, good thing our stuff arrived when it did, cuz now RD is here to visit us!! Yeay! Although she thinks Cleveland is kinda fugly, at least she gets to rest in our comfy home! Well, next time she comes back, we'll have the guest rooms all nicely furnished, and she won't have to get with the ghetto window coverings, aka bedsheets!

Well, I guess time to enjoy the house, and get ready for the start of my new job at the Clinic. Stay tuned...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

In Cleveland!!

So, we are finally in Cleveland. Unfortunately, because the escrow on our home doesn't close until Tuesday, we're confined to the hotel room in downtown for now. We flew in Thursday morning on the red eye, and we were dead tired! That night we slept for like 12 hours straight! Friday we went by the house, had our home inspection, unfortunately, the home is not quite done....the contractor says "99.9%". So, hopefully, everything will be completed by next week. But the crown moulding and the hard wood flooring in the living room is looking great! We can't wait to move in!!

So now we're also driving a rental car, since we've both sold our cars. Now we're driving another american crap of a car. Oh well, hopefully we'll soon find a new set of wheels and be rid of this junk. Since we don't really have too much scheduled, we had this whole weekend to kill. So we went to the Indian's game last night! It was fun, and we had a TON of junk food. Oh well, maybe next time RD comes by we'll take her to the game again, so she can join in on the fun, junk-food fest! Haha!


Saturday, June 04, 2005

New Dieting Strategy

Interesting article. Click on the title for link.
I especially like the controls of this study...
MM, let's do this instead of BFL :)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Carless II

So, it's finally/already June, and in less than 2 weeks MM and I will be heading out to OH. We will have had all our belongings in a moving van somewhere in the middle of United States, hopefully reaching us at the other end in one piece. I wish we could just fast forward 2 weeks and not have to worry about the packing!! Oh, the dreaded packing!

Anyway, today PunkAzz and his significant other PS flew up from SoCal in order to pick up our remaining mode of transportation, MM's beloved Z3. I took them out to SushiSam's for some always awesome sushi (what else?!) and I sent them off as they begin their drive back down the Golden State. About now they should be near Gilroy, still several hours to go. I know MM will be sad, and I guess I kinda miss the Z3 too, but I think we'll just have to look beyond the past and into the future.