Saturday, May 28, 2005


So, yes, we're moving, and now I've sold my car! This is the first time in years since I haven't had my own car. Feels a little weird, a little scary. But I guess MocMoc and I will be getting some new wheels when we get over to CH, OH. This Memorial Day weekend will be like the longest weekend that we'll be spending in the Bay, without actually going anywhere but home. But, far from the relaxing thing it should be, we'll be slaving over a multitude of boxes. But, I sure am glad that we're actually NOT going to be doing the moving, but rather other people will be doing it for us. Because I just came back from helping my long-time high school friend Scoobster with moving into his apartment. The dude is crazy, driving all the way from IL to CA in just 3 days! That must be a record somewhere. Of course, I'm sure the guys must have drove a "little" above the speed limit, but what the heck.
Okay, well, since we've just spent one long day of packing, I think we'll just relax for the night. The weekend is just begun :P

Friday, May 13, 2005


Yep, gots me the day off! So, slept in a little, though we weren't supposed to:P Then it was off to run errands. Fortunately, that didn't take too long, although it was still longer than I had wanted to spend my day off! Basically, then I spent most of the day with my cuz Bogeyman.
The funny thing about Bogeyman is he's always got something cooking up his sleeve. Sure, he looks like your average joe shmoe FOB, drives a nice car so suited, and in general a nice guy. But he seems to always be "studying" but never gets it done. We basically think he's got some code for when he goes shmoozing with the ladies. Yeah, I'll be "studying" tonight. I'm too busy cuz I gotta finish "studying." Oh, sorry I can't make it cuz I need to "study". But when you actually ask him what the heck he's so busy studying, he starts to rattle off some ho-hum and kinda just blows you off. So recently he's taken up "tennis". So now when you ask if he wants to go out for dinner, he'll be saying, "Um, nah, I hafta go play tennis" or "Oh, I have a tennis class". Yeah!
So today he tells me he's going to Watercourse Way for some massages. Watercourse Way is basically MocMoc's and my favorite spa. Cool private tub rooms to relax and just unwind in. The spa aside, so when Bogeyman tells me he's going to get massages, I ask him, So, who are you going with. He says, Oh, I'm making appointments for massages for four. For FOUR?!
Dang man, wish I was as studious as him when I was his age :P

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Finally, it's finally the weekend. This has been such a busy week, in addition to the moving agents I have had to interview, work has been crazy! The more work I complete, the more work gets thrown my way. Some times it feels there is just no end in sight! I'm sure all of you must have those days...; this is one of those weeks!!!
Well, good thing it's the weekend!
Now it's time to figure out how MocMoc and I will get our stuff from point A to point B :P And you thought we get to rest on the weekends...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

Just want to wish all the Mothers out there and would-be-mothers. Hope this is a good day where you are! It's been raining here like crazy, but I guess I was stuck working, so wasn't too bad for me...:P
Well, good thing work wasn't too busy. Chatted with my friend Punkass for a while. The dude never answers his phone, so I had to leave him messages; finally calls me back, sheesh! Any hoot, he's doing well, sounds like he's getting some major props from his boss, they want him to stick around for a while. Let's see what he decides, haha!
Okay, gots ta go!


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Signing On

Howdy, folks!! Here I come to save the day!!
Well, jest started me first blog, arrrrh!